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Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Wazaif - Android App

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wazaif Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wa...

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wazaif

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wazaif

Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wazaif

Dealing with Depression, Depression Therapy - how to deal with depression, Anxiety & Stress.
This app is all about Mental Health and Anti-Depression guide. How to deal with depression, anxiety and stress.


Detention. Harassment. Loss of Job. Profiling. Hate Crimes. Constant media attention. The death of loved ones. These were just some of the enormous challenges facing every single person in the world. In this app you will learn how to overcome these anxiety situations and how to calm down ourselves with help of Allah almighty.
Dealing with Depression, Anxiety & Stress - Duain and Ubqari Wazaif
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